I remember: eucalyptus, 2012

12 x 9, oil on support with attached canvas, painting on back (1988) with text

I remember                               
                crawling out my bedroom window onto the roof to paint the eucalyptus tree that grew behind the detached garage at Mom's Sierra Alta Way house one summer.

I remember: Three Palms, 2012

12 x 9, canvas (1988) and text on back, oil on support with attached canvas


 I remember
              setting up on the middle beach in-line with the 3 palms that Dad had planted by the public bathrooms along the north property line.

Castle of Otranto, 2011-2012

11 1/2 x 9 1/4, oil on paper mounted (with velcro)to back of frame, with paperback novel inside, front
 side view

back, with paperback book

A Gift from R, 2012

water based paint on paper mounted on box with primary source